Land Research

Geography is the history of the world; it’s the story of what we humans have done to the world.”

– Desmond Tutu

One night during the summer of 2020 I was sitting on my deck off the back of my house listening to the birds and having a drink. I was looking out at the 1/3 acre backyard which just had a few trees cut down. I had previously watched all the tree maintenance guys bring in equipment to cut the trees, grind up the stumps, and tear out all the old shrubs and other unwanted landscaping.

Before the new grass was laid down, the Earth was briefly exposed to the sky for a few weeks. As I sat there and looked at the dirt section of my back yard, I had this odd thought cross my mind. This is pretty typical for me, and probably why I have so many diverse hobbies and interests. I had wondered if somewhere in the dirt there was items from the previous owner of my house. Maybe toys from their kids, or lost tools or maybe even construction materials like nails or screws tthat had gotten burried.

I could probably have bought myself a metal detector and answered some of my own questions. But my thoughts quickly shifted to something far broader…

Kind of a strange thought because I already knew that my neighborhood was built on previously unused land, or at least that’s what I was told. So, what does that mean? It was wooded and not developed? Or was it just a large field that someone owned? Was it a farm that just went abandoned and not worked anymore?

My property, like most of the other lots in my neighborhood, is quite small. I started wondering about the entire neighborhood. What was here before we all were? What did it look like when it was being built? What did it look like in 1940? Did the topography of the land have to be altered to accomodate roads / sewers / water mains? What did the creek flowing through our neighborhood look like before all of this was built?

Lots of questions that are a combination of history and geography. Time and space questions. What did this space look like at a different time. Very appropriate considering I’m into SciFi stuff like time travel.

I already had a background in researching “Then & Now” material as it relates to abandoned buildings in downtown Detroit. I would research pre-Depression architecture that was still standing, find old photos, and then embark on “urbex” adventures into the buildings to photograph them in an attempt to get a matching photo from modern times.

All of this curiousity started me on a path of researching the history of the land around my neighborhood. Just using resources available on the Internet, I was able to find out quite a lot of information including historic aerial photos going back as far as 1938. I have absolutely no background in surveying land, topology, or how to read legal documents regarding land ownership, but all of this research gave me a basic understanding of those items, and quite a lot more.

I’ve disovered and used many online tools like GIS databases giving you access to deed / plat / lien information, historic photo collections, and mapping software for satellite / street view / fly-over photography. As I answered all the questions I had about my own neighborhood I began to branch out to areas around it. My collection of information was growing.

I started to realize that there might be benefit for other people in my neighborhood that had similiar curiosities. It didn’t seem to make sense to me to keep all this information locked up on my hard drive only visible to me.

So, I decided that I’ll publish some of the work I’ve been doing on a blog so it’s avaiablle to people that have an interest in this stuff. Enjoy!

First Post

First post to a new blog!

Now comes the hard part… what do I make it all about? I guess coming up with that isn’t terribly difficult since the purpose of this site/blog is to publish interests of mine, and I have a lot of interests.

I could easily just publish on X, but I wanted a space that I almost fully control (I say “almost” because I still have a cloud service provider and domain provider that I don’t control). A blog/CMS site allows me to control the look of it, the content is absolutely not filtered, and I can build structure with menus/dropdowns/links/media wherever I want to place it. This isn’t possible on a site like X.

I have a lot of favorite topics, interests, and hobbies that I I like to focus on, so most my content will be quite random. This is where categories and tagging will come in handy! Some of the things I hope to create some posts about include:

  • Technology – Linux, AI imagery, home automation, scripting, Python, servers, cloud computing/infrastructure, gaming, home PC building, retro-computing, soldering/electronics, DIY projects, lithium-ion cell projects, solar
  • Automotive – electric cars, classic cars, cheap cars, quirky cars, automotive Youtubers
  • Land Research – historical land use, records, deeds, plats, aerial/satellite photography, topography, 3D land imagery, rural exploration/urbex
  • Music – saxophones, sheet music, music theory, electronic music/trackers, retro music/chiptunes, Spotify playlists, genres, instruments
  • Firearms – handguns, shotguns, rifles, concealed carry, shooting range, scopes, air-powered handguns
  • Art – 3D artwork, bitmap artwork/editing, traditional artwork, AI-generated art, memes

I have decided that some topics I have an interest in will not be on this site. These are things I will occasionally post about on X, but I’d like to keep this kind of content off this site to avoid divisive topics that just cause arguments, negativity, or cause me trouble with my coworkers/employer. I usually keep my place of employment hidden online, but I am actually proud of where I work and think it would be nice to occasionally post about the great work we’re doing there.

I probably won’t be enabling comments on this site either. This is mostly to avoid having to deal with bots/spam, and also because I really don’t have any interest in this site becoming a two-way discussion forum where I need to moderate content from people. I will be avoiding topics like: religion, politics, social identity, political correct/incorrectness, flat-earth theory, Star Wars vs. Star Trek, and whether or not pineapple should be on pizza.

That seems like enough “hello world” material. Alright then… off we go!